“A chance to not only talk about, but be about it.”
First payment | March 31 - $180
Second Payment | June 2 - $180
Quick Facts
Dates: Sunday, June 11 - Friday, June 16, 2023
Lodging: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Transportation: Individual vehicles and rental vans
Approximate Cost: $415
Who can go?: Committed students from the classes of 2023-2027, young adults, and adult guides
Register by February 12!
Why should I go on the D-Tour?
Greater Purpose
Participants spend part of their time in Baltimore serving at community organizations like Lutheran World Relief, Harford Family House, Movable Feasts, and more. We help build a world restored with grace & peace through service.
Real Connection
During the evenings participants will share meals, play games, relax, and gather each night for service reflection and meaningful worship. You will be a part of a community who desires to live and love like Jesus.
Life-Changing Hope
Throughout this week are refreshed with life-changing hope. God moves quickly on Discipleship Tours and we go home filled up with the Spirit and the desire to bring signs of God’s kingdom to our community.
Thursday Adventure
Our Thursday adventure will start with a trip to downtown Baltimore to Camden Yards for a Baltimore Orioles day game versus the Toronto Blue Jay. Following the game we’ll be exploring the historic Baltimore Inner Harbor and other sites in the Southern and Central Districts. We’ll cap off the evening with a dinner from one of many great restaurants in the downtown area!
Adult Guides Needed!
Spending a week with students, modeling love and grace, managing expectations, and creating healthy boundaries for teens is a big responsibility! Volunteering to serve in this capacity is a commitment to connecting with teens throughout the year. We only have room for a few more adult guides on the trip! Fill out the survey below to show that you’re interested.
We also need adults to commit to coordinating and serving at fundraisers. This is a requirement and decisions will be made on this basis.