Our Community Garden Corner

We plant the seeds, and God grows the rest

Fun Facts about Prince of Peace’s Community Garden

  • This year there are 32 plots in our Community Garden (up from 22 last summer)

  • There are 4 Garden Coaches

  • Gardeners donate 10% of their growth to LIFE Food Pantry each week (some much more!)

  • 1/3 of our gardeners are neighbors and friends of our church

  • 48’ of Raised Beds dedicated for LIFE Food Pantry Produce Growth

  • Prince of Peace’s Community Garden was founded in 2022

All are invited! Contact Sheryl Melvin at sherylmelvin@hotmail.com or 513-504-5060 for more information. 

How Can I Help?

A community garden is for the whole community! Please enjoy the space! If you’d like to contribute, we would love your help! Here are a few ways we could use a hand this upcoming season.

Bale Conditioning

A special pattern of watering + fertilizing bales for 11 days.

Takes about an hour

Guided by Erin Kuhn

Complete for 2024!

Harvest and Deliver Produce

Weekly starting in June

During LIFE Food Pantry Hours

Sign-ups coming

Mowing and Trimming

Weekly starting in April/May

Using Church-Owned Electric Equipment

Sign-ups coming

Special Projects

Announced throughout the year

Include: building projects

Delivering straw bales

Creative ideas


Upcoming Garden Events