Our Community Garden Corner
“We plant the seeds, and God grows the rest”
Fun Facts about Prince of Peace’s Community Garden
This year there are 32 plots in our Community Garden (up from 22 last summer)
There are 4 Garden Coaches
Gardeners donate 10% of their growth to LIFE Food Pantry each week (some much more!)
1/3 of our gardeners are neighbors and friends of our church
48’ of Raised Beds dedicated for LIFE Food Pantry Produce Growth
Prince of Peace’s Community Garden was founded in 2022
All are invited! Contact Sheryl Melvin at sherylmelvin@hotmail.com or 513-504-5060 for more information.
How Can I Help?
A community garden is for the whole community! Please enjoy the space! If you’d like to contribute, we would love your help! Here are a few ways we could use a hand this upcoming season.
Bale Conditioning
A special pattern of watering + fertilizing bales for 11 days.
Takes about an hour
Guided by Erin Kuhn
Complete for 2024!
Harvest and Deliver Produce
Weekly starting in June
During LIFE Food Pantry Hours
Sign-ups coming
Mowing and Trimming
Weekly starting in April/May
Using Church-Owned Electric Equipment
Sign-ups coming
Special Projects
Announced throughout the year
Include: building projects
Delivering straw bales
Creative ideas