Youth Christian Education — Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

Join us for Worship:

Regular Schedule: 5:00 pm Saturday, 8:30 am and 10:30 am (contemporary) Sunday

Click Here for Worship Livestream

Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path.
— Psalm 119:105

Faith Formation for Youth

Christian Education for teens happens in lots of different ways. Whether formal bible studies, discussion groups, retreats, or classes: our goal is to equip students to grow and develop as disciples in a relationship-centered environment.

Sunday Mornings (Starting September 15)

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Sunday Morning POPLuthYouth meets in the Youth Room (room 129) from 9:45-10:25 AM. Come grab a donut and a spot on the couch for some deep dives into our lives of faith.

Middle Schoolers are welcome to room 138 for a class that is based on service projects and activities on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:25 AM There will be toast!

These classes thrive on being casual - come when you can, we miss you when you’re gone. If you’d like more information or want to let us know you’re going to try it out, email Pastor Hannah Bockbrader -


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Firmly Planted is a partnership between the church and the home, producing disciples who follow and serve Jesus in the world.

Together, we learn to live & love like Jesus.

Firmly Planted is a faith formation program. Our young people grow by stirring a deep faith in God, forming a stronger identity in Christ, and developing meaningful relationships within the Christian community. This is the path to Confirmation at Prince of Peace, a special time when students affirm their baptism.

Firmly Planted meets twice monthly on Sunday evenings.

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Serve with our Youth

Interested in walking alongside these young people as they grow in faith? Contact Pastor Hannah ( to learn more.