“Learn to do right. See that justice is done — help those who are oppressed, give orphans their rights, and defend widows.”
The Haitian Timoun Foundation (HTF)
Prince of Peace is a partner with the Haitian Timoun Foundation (www.htflive.com). The mission of HTF is to work towards hope and sustainability with dignity for the people of Haiti. Through innovative approaches, by hard work and dedication, and with staying power, our partners and the HTF network is a family united by unbreakable solidarity.
Prince of Peace is committed to our brothers and sisters in Haiti in three primary ways:
Financial Support & Solidarity
Prince of Peace is also committed to supporting HTF’s partners through financial gifts, prayers, and standing in solidarity with with the men, women, and children of Haiti.
Immersion Trips
Every year a group of people from Prince of Peace travel to Haiti to meet with our partners in ministry and build relationships. We don’t go to ‘fix or solve’ any problem, we go to learn about the Haitian culture and to invest in relationships with Haitians who are transforming Haiti.
Summer Camp
Every summer a group of young adults travels to Jacmel, Haiti to help lead a summer camp for hundreds of children. Summer camp is a fun, transformative, and powerful week filled with lots of laughter, music, and joy!
Contact Pastor Jonathan or Pastor Lorne for more information about HTF.