“We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone.”
We are on a mission: to live & love like Jesus!
The Church has never been an institution, building, or program. Rather, from the very beginning when Jesus called the first disciples, the Church has been a community of people “on mission” for the sake of God’s Kingdom.
At the heart of who we are is a community people seeking God’s message of life changing hope, real connection with others, and a greater purpose for our lives.
If you would like to speak with someone or be added to our email list to receive our weekly communications, please click on the Connect With Us button to complete a digital Connect Card. We will follow up with you soon.
Next Steps
01| Worship
Our worship services are an opportunity for you to connect with God and others in the community. Worship also reminds us of God’s promises for our lives and fuels us to live out our daily calling as followers of Jesus.
Currently, we are worshiping together in person on Saturday at 5:00 PM, and on Sunday at 8:30 AM, and at 10:30 AM with a contemporary service. We also offer live streaming during both services at https://www.popluther.org/online-worship and on YouTube.
02| DISCOVER Prince of Peace
Throughout the year we offer opportunities for people to find out more about Prince of Peace, connect with staff and leaders through a Discover Prince of Peace class.
Find out more online at popluther.org/discoverpop
We were made to be together. Groups help us to discover who God is, draw closer with others, and serve our community. Between grace groups, music groups, craft groups, social groups & more, there is a place for you to find real connection.
We also offer online and in-person opportunities for Bible Study. Check out our Events page for these group learning opportunities and other activities.
We encourage everyone to find at least one POP Team where you can use the gifts God has given you within the church. POP Teams provide the backbone for how we organize the ministry that occurs on a weekly basis here at the church.
If you’re in a place where you are calling Prince of Peace your “church home” then membership is likely your next step. We officially welcome new members four times a year as way to recognize that God has joined us together in mission.