Give — Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

Join us for Worship:

Regular Schedule: 5:00 pm Saturday, 8:30 am and 10:30 am (contemporary) Sunday

Click Here for Worship Livestream

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
— Matthew 28:19

Three Easy Ways To Give

Pledge your support

To make a pledge to the 2025 Stewardship Campaign, click the button below to do so electronically. You can also return your pledge card via the offering plate in worship, the box on the Welcome Desk, or by mail.

View Giving & Pledge History

Contact Jo Ellen Owens for any questions regarding stewardship.

New to Realm? Contact Becky Lange to create a profile with Realm. Learn more here.

how to pledge online

  • Log into your Realm profile and select “Giving”

  • Choose “+ Pledge”

  • Enter pledge amount, frequency and 2025 Operating Fund Campaign

  • Verify the total pledge amount

  • Electronic Givers: select “Save & Setup Online Gift” and follow the prompts

  • Check & Stock Givers: select “Save”

Giving is an integral part of our relationship with God.

It acknowledges God as the provider of everything we have. It encourages us to live by faith with all we have been given. When joined with the gifts of others, it equips the Church for mission.


Other Ways To Give


Stock Gifts

You will receive a tax deduction for the current value of the stock, even if you paid much less for it. You avoid paying capital gains tax on the appreciation in value (as long as you have held the stock for at least one year.)

IRA Charitable Rollover 

The "IRA charitable rollover" provision is still in force. If you are age 70.5 or older and have a traditional IRA, 401(k) or 403(b), you are eligible to make a contribution directly from your retirement account to the church and have it count as your Qualified Charitable Distribution. This will result in no income tax due to you as you won't be taking it as a distribution to you. So you avoid income taxes, make a gift to POP and have it count as your required minimum distribution. This is another great way to give and give smart. This is almost always the best way to give from the above mentioned funds. You can use your IRA donation for your regular offering, a special memorial gift, or for a gift to the Endowment Fund. Talk to your financial planner to determine if this is a good deal for you.


The Prince of Peace Endowment Fund was established to create perpetual funding for ministry projects beyond the normal scope of our budget. The fund grows from the generosity of individuals that include Prince of Peace in their estate planning. Use the button below to learn more about the fund or to share with us more information about your planned gift to Prince of Peace.

The Endowment Fund also provides funding to organizations each year based upon the earned income from the Fund. Please use the link below to apply for funding for your organization. The application period for 2023 is now closed.

Are you a member of Thrivent Financial?

Each member can make a difference in our community by being part of the Thrivent Action Team and receiving funds towards ministry projects at Prince of Peace and in other ministries.  If you are a member, please notify JoEllen Owens ( in the church office to help us better connect financial support that Thrivent Financial provides for a variety of ministry costs.


Kroger Rewards

Your Kroger Plus Card can be linked to Prince of Peace through their Community Rewards Program! Once enrolled in the Community Rewards Program, your Plus Card will still earn you instant savings and Fuel Points while also benefitting the church!

To register your PlusCard visit and use the reference number 10886. You can also search for Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Loveland, Ohio.

Contact the church office at 513-683-4244 if you have any questions.