Upcoming Women’s Ministry Events
Women’s Ministry Steering Team
The Women’s Ministry Steering Team meets regularly throughout the year to plan opportunities for women to grow in faith, connect in community, and serve the world.
Jennifer Hendren
Sheryl Melvin
Laura McDaniel
Paula Osorio
Linda Paduk
Karen Vance
Join others in daily devotional plans using the Bible App from YouVersion, either via the app or on a computer. You choose which plans you would like to participate in and choose to comment on them individually.
In 2022, this group completed over 60 devotional plans provided by YouVersion via their app. You can access the app here or look for the app in your app store.
Most plans are topical and typically are 5-10 days in length. We try to align the topics to the sermon series or other educational activities provided by Prince of Peace.
In 2023, Sheryl Melvin is our daily devotion administrator. She sends the invitations to participate in each selected study. To get started, first download the app, then search for Sheryl Melvin and “friend” her. You will then be in the YouVersion/Prince of Peace study group and Sheryl will be able to connect with you. If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Sheryl via email.
MOMCo: MomCo is about embracing the journey of motherhood, together. It's where all moms with kids gather for encouraging, fun, distraction-free time together to foster friendships and faith in a supportive community. MOMCo (Mom Community) meets during the school year from September to May. Meetings are from 9:15 am – 11:30 am on the second Thursday of the month. Breakfast and Childcare are provided. For more information contact: Nicole Bocock at a.nicole.ashton@gmail.com.