“Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.”
Prince of Peace is open to everyone – no matter what your thoughts are about God or the church.
Whether you are new to church or been around your whole life, you’re in good company with those of us who are exploring who God is – or rediscovering what church can be.
Worship services are held on Saturdays at 5:00 pm and Sunday mornings at 8:30 & 10:30 am. Both Sunday services are livestreamed.
The 10:30 Sunday service is a more contemporary expression of worship, while our other two services are a more blended expression of Lutheran liturgy, music, and prayer.
We pray that worship fills you with renewed hope and joy.
We know being new isn’t always easy. At the main entrances you will find smiling people ready to help you find your way around the building, point you the restrooms and coffee bar, and answer questions. In the main gathering space our Welcome Desk will also be staffed by a friendly volunteer who can help answer any questions you might have.
You will find people in t-shirts and jeans and others in suits and dresses. Just come, we don’t care what you are wearing.
We value children of all ages, and are excited when they are with us in worship. We like kids in worship and we know they can make noise. That’s awesome! It’s the kind of noise we like to hear.
We celebrate communion every week and all are invited to share in the Lord’s Supper. We believe that the Gifts of God are free!
A part of our service includes people who are supporting the mission of our church. As a new friend, we don’t expect you to give so don’t feel any expectations or pressure.
“Great youth programs; great music; great sermons; great people.”