“Bear one another’s burdens,
and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Prayer Requests
Do You Need Listening Support?
Consider connecting with a Stephen Minister
If you’re looking for another Christian to listen to you and walk with you, Stephen Ministry may be the answer. Stephen Ministry is an international and interdenominational one-on-one, distinctively Christian ministry of listening, caring, comforting, prayer, and support offered with total confidentiality by trained lay care-givers called Stephen Ministers.
There is no financial cost.
In Need Of Assistance?
The Loveland L.I.F.E. Food Pantry is a faith-based organization that provides
food, financial assistance, and services to needy residents within the Loveland School District and to members of our supporting congregations, who qualify under Federal guidelines for persons in need encouraging self-sufficiency in individuals and families.
Support Groups
Gamblers Anonymous
GA meets every Monday at 7:30 pm. All are welcome
Loveland Gratitude Group
AA or Loveland Gratitude Group meets every Tuesday at 7:30 pm. All are welcome.