Our Leaders — Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

Join us for Worship:

Regular Schedule: 5:00 pm Saturday, 8:30 am and 10:30 am (contemporary) Sunday

Click Here for Worship Livestream

Meet Our Leaders

We all follow and we all lead. This is the life of discipleship into which Jesus invited his followers . Here at Prince of Peace we believe that everyone is simultaneously a follower of Jesus and a leader within the Kingdom of God.

Below are just a few of the strong and passionate leaders God has called to serve through Prince of Peace.

Pastoral Leadership

Pastor Jonathan Eilert

Lead Pastor

Pastor Hannah Bockbrader

Pastor of Youth and Family Ministry

Pastor Michelle Terry


Support and Ministry Staff

Lead Team

Mary Ellen Johns

Director of Care and Connection

Toby Lyke

Director of Worship and Music

JoEllen Owens

Director of Resources

Ministry Staff

Deb Heuer

Adult Choir Director

Robin Stevenson

Director of Children’s Music

Ginger Tomes

Children’s Ministry Coordinator

Administrative Support

Denise Busch

Accounting Associate

Suzanne Eilert

Publications Editor

Becky Lange

Parish Administrator

POP Kids School Staff

POP Kids School is a ministry or Prince of Peace and is a non-profit Christian preschool with programs for children ages 2 1/2 through pre-kindergarten.

Rebecca Behbehani

POP Kids School Director

Contact Us

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