2019 Advent Mission Project: VEIL Latino Ministry
La Esperanza en la Vida E†erna
(Hope in Eternal Life)
All are invited to share in “La Esperanza en la Vida Eterna” (Hope in Eternal Life), this December’s Advent Mission Project at Prince of Peace. This year, we are seeking to collectively support the youth of VEIL Latino Ministry (Vida E†erna~Iglesia Luterana) at Lord of Life Lutheran Church in West Chester, Ohio, by providing funds for their educational programs and youth faith formation through their Homework Fellowship Program which consists of:
Annual Summer Science Camp
Weekly Service Learning (tutoring/homework help)
New Robotics program to build STEM and leadership skills.
Donations of any amount will go towards our $5,000 goal to help build and support the next generation of VEIL through these programs.
We encourage those interested to connect with the VEIL congregation ongoing to build relationships and provide direct mentoring support through volunteering with their Homework Fellowship Program. Make a difference - learn more below!
¡Bendiciones para ustedes esta Navidad y feliz año nuevo!
Blessings to you this Christmas and Happy New Year!
DONATE: Place donations in the weekly offering (memo: Advent Mission Project), mail to Prince of Peace, or make online
PRAY: Color a bookmark & include VEIL community in prayer
GIVE: Greeting cards are available in the Gathering Space to give a gift in someone’s honor
PROVIDE: Place food/supply donations in new bin by POP kitchen (ongoing—check weekly announcements)
SERVE: Play piano/guitar at Sunday worship. Assist with tutoring. Share your knowledge at a youth or adult workshop.
CONNECT: Attend Sunday afternoon worship with VEIL. Participate and engage in VEIL community activities.
Contact Julie Skare at Julie.skare@gmail.com or 513-543-4959
ABOUT VEIL: VEIL will celebrate 10 years of ministry in 2020, beginning originally as an outreach ministry of the Southern Ohio Synod and then in 2011 becoming an ELCA Latino mission church with Deaconess Carmen Colón–Brown as its Pastor. VEIL is a vibrant congregation with people from many different countries, growing into a cohesive group, hungry for the gospel. 98% of the members of VEIL live below the federal poverty level and with the support from the ELCA decreasing each year, as with all new start ministries, the church cannot be self-sustaining in this generation. The hope is that VEIL would receive complete support by neighboring ELCA congregations within the next few years. This year’s Advent Mission Project enables Prince of Peace to continue to build on providing additional support for VEIL.