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POP Corks

It’s time! Let’s resume POP Corks!

Everyone is welcome to the home of Pat and Gordon Baker at 7 PM on Saturday, August 14 for a tasting of wine, appetizers, and desserts, along with a wonderful face-to-face conversation.

POP Corks is an opportunity for those over 21 to meet and get to know one another. Bring a bottle of wine (usually priced between $10-$20), and an appetizer or dessert to share. Not a fan of wine?…come anyway. The goal is fellowship. Feel free to bring another beverage of your choice.

The theme this night is “The Joy of Wine”. Bring a wine you especially enjoy; one that reminds you of a joyful experience or one that has a joyful label.

RSVP via Realm, the sign-up sheet on the Gathering Space bulletin board, or at You can also call at 513-444-4597.

We look forward to seeing you at POP Corks!

Address: 5813 Needleleaf Drive, Milford, 45150