This week’s Theme: Connected with God
Last week we spent time thinking about connecting with ourselves, but now, we are moving forward to connect with God. God desires connection with us. Think about what that means: that the creator of the sun, the moon, the stars and the sea desires to be in relationship with US! Still, we can often feel distant from God or not know really how to start when it comes to strengthening our relationship. One way we connect with God is by making time in our lives to experience and look for the ways God shows up.
The Five Steps of the FAITH5™:
SHARE your highs and lows
READ a Bible verse or story
(This week: we recommend using John 4:5-42)
TALK about how the Bible reading might relate to your highs and lows
PRAY for one another’s highs and lows
BLESS one another
Family Talk QuestionS
How do we connect with God as a family?
When do you feel most connected to your faith or belief in God? When do you feel distant?
Below, we’ve listed a number of ways we connect with God. What are ways we are good at this as a family? Where could we grow? What is your favorite? What is one area you would like to improve?
Studying God’s Word
Additional Resources for your family to Explore
children’s books on the topic of Connecting with God
Maybe God Is Like That Too by Jennifer Grant and illustrated by Benjamin Schipper
The Parables of Jesus by Jim and Vicki Coy
On the Day You Were Baptized by Taylor Young and illustrated by Anita Schmidt
There’s No Wrong Way to Pray by Rebeccca Ninkey and Katie EH Watson and illustrated by Liam Darcy
Connect with God This Week by:
Consider using post-it notes at the dinner table or before bed to write down places where you felt God’s presence or thought of Jesus each day.
Practice a new way of connecting with God this week.
Listen to a worship song every morning before you start your day or in the car.
Explore these Links!
These videos and links are intended to spark conversation based on the bible story for the week (John 4:5-52) or the theme of connecting with God.
God Loves You So Much (audience: preschool through elementary)
Remind Yourself Daily (audience: elementary through adults)
A Modern Retelling of John 4 (audience: middle school through adults)
Dear Parents: Thank You for Bringing Your Children to Church from Building Faith (audience: parents of young children)
Ways to Help Your Family Grow in Faith from the ELCA (audience: families)