Week 4 - Connected to Community


This week’s Theme: Connected to Community

We are moving from connecting with ourselves and with God to connecting with others this week. Perhaps one of the most clear ways we experience God’s love is through the love of others. We are created to be with one another and so many of our relationships fill us up! We read today about a blind man who is healed. It is clear to see that Jesus loved to be with others. When we live and love like Jesus, we invest in the lives of others, too!


The Five Steps of the FAITH5™:

SHARE your highs and lows

READ a Bible verse or story

(This week: we recommend using John 9:1-41)

TALK about how the Bible reading might relate to your highs and lows

PRAY for one another’s highs and lows

BLESS one another


Family Talk QuestionS

  1. What communities are you a part of that bring value to your life? Who are some of the people who might not be in as many communities? How can we help them?

  2. What is good about living in community with others? What is difficult about living in community with others?

  3. God uses some unexpected people and situations to bring life to people (like Jesus using mud to make a blind man see!) What are some of the unexpected ways that you have experienced good things in your life? Are there any people in your life who are unexpected friends or servants?


Additional Resources for your family to Explore

children’s books on the topic of Connecting with Others

  • Market Street by Matt de la Pena

  • Love Your Neighbor by Melody Carlson

  • Look Where We Live!: A First Book of Community Building by Scot Ritchie

Connect with Others This Week by:

  • Make a list of all of the communities to which you belong. Compare this list with each other and help each other think of communities that are missing.

  • Write a letter, FaceTime, email, or create a video to send to a loved one.

  • Make a plan for serving a neighbor in the next few days. How can you do this creatively?

Explore these Links!

These videos and links are intended to spark conversation based on the bible story for the week (John 4:5-52) or the theme of connecting with God.