Week 5
This week’s Theme: Our Connection to the Community & World
This five-week journey has been focused on our connections to ourselves, God. and each other. God speaks to us in all of these connections. We are called to connect with our world through love and service. This is something we can all do and all do in our own ways. This week, take some time to ponder ways we can love and serve the world.
The Five Steps of the FAITH5™:
SHARE your highs and lows
READ a Bible verse or story
(This week: we recommend using John 11:1-45)
TALK about how the Bible reading might relate to your highs and lows
PRAY for one another’s highs and lows
BLESS one another
Family Talk QuestionS
What emotions did Jesus experience during this story? When was a time you felt like Jesus?
How did Jesus serve others in this story? What are some of the ways we can follow in Jesus’ footsteps to live & love like Jesus at home this week?
Jesus and Lazarus had a strong friendship. Who in your life is someone who inspires you to serve and love?
Additional Resources for your family to Explore
children’s books on the topic of Connecting with others
Boxes for Katje by Candace Fleming
Real Kids, Real Stories, Real Change: Courageous Actions Around the World by Garth Sundem
Sophie’s Lovely Locks by Erica Pelton Villnave
Connect with Others This Week by:
Brainstorm a list of ways to help the community. Think about things you can do from your own home and for plans for the future.
Look at this past year’s God’s Work. Our Hands. brochure and learn about two or three of the partner organizations where we served this past year.
Creatively serve your neighbors through chalk art, sending positive messages via email or text, or make a video challenge and send it to them.
Explore these Links!
These videos and links are intended to spark conversation based on the bible story for the week (John 4:5-52) or the theme of connecting with God.
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands by Raffi (audience: preschool through elementary)
The Story of Lazarus (Readers’ Theater - scroll to the bottom of the page) (audience: elementary through middle school)
Charity vs. Justice (audience: middle and high school students)
Go Make Disciples (audience: elementary through adults)