Give & Help our Students Get to Minneapolis this summer!
On the board are envelopes with special numbers representing different amounts that will get us closer to the ELCA Youth Gathering in Minneapolis in 2022! Choose a lucky number, go in with a friend or group from church, or pick a few envelopes!
Pick an envelope with a number on it.
Put that many (or more!) dollars in the envelope or give online.
Give ONline!
For your generosity, we’ll hold you in our prayers throughout our trip. You’ll receive a postcard from a student during the ELCA Youth Gathering sharing about how their faith has grown. At the end of our Gathering, we’ll invite you to our celebration service where we’ll share stories about our time in Minneapolis!
The ELCA Youth Gathering is a once-in-a-lifetime experience where students’ faith lives are impacted through meaningful service, powerful worship, and transformational community. Students from across the United States gather to grow in relationship with our BOUNDLESS God! These trips change lives and we cannot do it without the support of our community! Your contributions provide scholarships for students who could not attend without help, provide meals, help cover the cost of transportation and lodging, and offset other expenses.
Thank you for your generosity!
Support our teens going on this summer’s ELCA Youth Gathering!
Pick an envelope!
Gathering Fun Facts & Lucky Numbers
4 members of the class of 2025 participating in the trip
5 members of the class of 2023 participating in the trip
5 members of the class of 2027 participating in the trip
5 number of days of our trip
6 members of the class of 2026 participating in the trip
8 friends from Lord of Life joining us on our bus this year
8 number of ELCA Youth Gatherings Mary Ellen has participated in
9 years of ordained ministry for Pastor Lorne
10 brave adults leading the trip
10 different schools represented
11 hours to drive back to OH
11 hours to drive to Minneapolis
13 the age of one of our participants
13 the age of one of our participants
13 the age of one of our participants
14 the age of one of our participants
14 the age of one of our participants
14 the age of one of our participants
14 the age of one of our participants
14 the age of one of our participants
15 number of meals we will share together during the gathering
15 the age of one of our participants
15 the age of one of our participants
15 the age of one of our participants
15 the age of one of our participants
15 the age of one of our participants
15 the age of one of our participants
15.22 year Luther returned to Wittenberg Castle church to organize a new church
16 the age of one of our participants
16 the age of one of our participants
16 the age of one of our participants
16 the average age of our students
17 members of the class of 2022 participating in the trip
17 the age of one of our participants
17 the age of one of our participants
17 the age of one of our participants
17 the age of one of our participants
17 the age of one of our participants
17 the age of one of our participants
17 the age of one of our participants
17 the age of one of our participants
17 the age of one of our participants
17 the age of one of our participants
17 the age of one of our participants
18 the age of one of our participants
18 the age of one of our participants
18 the age of one of our participants
18 the age of one of our participants
18 the age of one of our participants
18 the age of one of our participants
18 the age of one of our participants
18 the age of one of our participants
20.22 the year
21 the age of one of our guides
25 years of ordained ministry for Pastor Jonathan
26 ELCA Colleges and Universities across the US
30 cups of coffee per day to keep our adults awake
31 inches of rain in Minneapolis per year
32 Minnesota was the 32nd state of the union
35 miles we'll walk while we're at the ELCA Youth Gathering
36 the age of one of our guides
37 the age of one of our guides
45 the age of one of our guides
45 the average of our adult guides ages
46 the age of one of our guides
47 POP Participants
48 the age of one of our guides
50 the age of one of our guides
50 the age of one of our guides
52 the age of one of our guides
52.4 inches of snowfall in Minneapolis per year
54 the age of one of our guides
56 numbers of seats on the bus
59 years since Prince of Peace began
64 average low temperature in July in Minneapolis
64 the age of one of our guides
75 pounds of goldfish crackers eaten on the bus
77 million Lutherans across the world
82 average high temperature in July in Minneapolis
82 the number of times someone will ask "are we there yet?"
98 the minutes in the movie Princess Bride (a bus favorite)
101 POP’s Address
119 number of teenagers at Prince of Peace
140 number of ELCA Congregaitons in Minneapolis
160 number of parks in minneapolis
307 number of children who are members at Prince of Peace
612 area code for Minneapolis
763 miles to Minneapolis