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Forms to be completed by July 1

Booking ID: 76010500

Date of Trip: 07/23/2021

Time of Trip: 1:30 pm

Lower Yough Guided Classic Whitewater


Quick Facts

Dates: Thursday, July 22-Saturday, July 24

Lodging: Benner’s Meadow Run Campground

Transportation: Individual vehicles and rental vans

Who can go?: Committed students from the classes of 2021-2025 and adult guides. Space is limited by the rafting company so register sooner than later!

COVID Precautions: As the situation with Covid-19 evolves, we will continue to follow CDC and state guidelines. Our rafting company and campgrounds have procedures in place that we will follow. All participants will do a 72 hour and day-of self-screening before leaving. Open communication will continue to be a priority.