

Rummage Sale 2020

Rummage Sale Friday April 27, 6—8 pm Saturday, April 28, 8 am—1:30 pm Donations accepted April 22-April 26 It’s that time! This is our final fundraiser for our high school Youth Gathering. Please consider finding items from home that you’re ready to part with that someone else may love! Drop off items in the PLC anytime from 9 am—8 pm starting April 22 and ending at 7 pm on Thursday. We cannot take media centers, carpets, metal office furniture, mattresses, computer equipment (10 years and older), box TVs, or upholstered furniture in poor condition (we will accept light wear and tear).

Large Item Donations to the Rummage Sale Sunday, April 22, 12:30—3:30 pm Do you have large items that you need help getting to church for the rummage sale? We will make arrangements to pick up large items on Sunday afternoon at your home. Please have all items gathered in one area (garage if possible!) and we will have a crew of students and an adult load them into trucks and vans to carry them to church. Contact Marty Cronin to request a pick-up at cronin.ma72@gmail.com or (513) 239-6459. Pick-ups are only offered on the afternoon of Sunday, April 22.