How to Garden in Straw Bales Workshop
Have you wondered how to grow vegetables and flowers in your own backyard, without digging or weeding? Come to one of our four sessions to learn how!
Have you wondered how to grow vegetables and flowers in your own backyard, without digging or weeding? Come to one of our four sessions to learn how!
Have you wondered how to grow vegetables and flowers in your own backyard, without digging or weeding? Come to one of our four sessions to learn how!
Have you wondered how to grow vegetables and flowers in your own backyard, without digging or weeding? Come to one of our four sessions to learn how!
Have you wondered how to grow vegetables and flowers in your own backyard, without digging or weeding? Come to one of our four sessions to learn how!
Join us in the PoP Community Garden for the last potluck of the season! There is a light potluck supper and informal worship service. (Weather may move us into the Parish Life Center.) We'll share a meal at 6 pm, then end with prayers together. Everyone is invited. No time to cook? Come anyway!
Come join us in the PoP Community Garden for a light potluck supper and informal worship service on every second Sunday evening, June through October (Weather may move us into the Parish Life Center.) We'll share a meal at 6 pm, then end with prayers together. Everyone is invited. No time to cook? Come anyway!
Come join us in the PoP Community Garden for a light potluck supper and informal worship service on every second Sunday evening, June through October (Weather may move us into the Parish Life Center.) We'll share a meal at 6 pm, then end with prayers together. Everyone is invited. No time to cook? Come anyway!
Come join us in the PoP Community Garden for a light potluck supper and informal worship service on every second Sunday evening, June through October (Weather may move us into the Parish Life Center.) We'll share a meal at 6 pm, then end with prayers together. Everyone is invited. No time to cook? Come anyway!
The PoP Garden Team will be packing recipe kits to go with select vegetables it donates to the LIFE Food Pantry this summer, but needs help choosing recipes that are delicious, easy to make, and cost effective. To help, Women's Ministry will host a vegetable side dish potluck, where we taste everything, then vote for our favorites via secret ballot. Bring your favorite vegetable dish featuring one or any of these: zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, potatoes, kale, greens, or any type of squash. Please email a copy of your recipe to Sheryl by May 11th. sherylmelvin@hotmail.com
Help us pray blessings on our expanded POP Community Garden, our gardeners, and the LIFE Food Pantry as we prepare for planting enough vegetables to share with our neighbors. Join us in the garden after worship!
Help Set up the bales!Install new fencing and trellis arches : Saturday, March 16 and then as needed. We need some people to pound in posts, some to zip tie chicken wire to the posts, and some to push landscape staples to pin the chicken wire to the ground
If you’re interested in learning how to garden at home in straw bales, weed-free? We'll share the fundamentals at each of two ninety-minute workshops to be held in the atrium, presenting the same information at each.
All are invited! Contact Sheryl Melvin at 513-504-5060 or sherylmelvin@hotmail.com for more information.
If you’re interested in learning how to garden at home in straw bales, weed-free? We'll share the fundamentals at each of two ninety-minute workshops to be held in the atrium, presenting the same information at each.
All are invited! Contact Sheryl Melvin at 513-504-5060 or sherylmelvin@hotmail.com for more information.
If you’re interested in learning how to garden at home in straw bales, weed-free? We'll share the fundamentals at each of two ninety-minute workshops to be held in the atrium, presenting the same information at each.
All are invited! Contact Sheryl Melvin at 513-504-5060 or sherylmelvin@hotmail.com for more information.