Stock Gifts
Your broker can electronically transfer shares of stocks or bonds to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church through our brokerage account. Here is the information your broker will require:
Brokerage Firm: Charles Schwab
Account Registration: Prince of Peace Church
Account Number: 7228 5497
Schwab DTC Clearing Number: 000000164
Prince of Peace Federal Tax ID: 31-6042644
Because your name will NOT be disclosed to the broker when your stock gift transfers, please advise Jo Ellen Owens by phone (513-683-4244 x110) or email when you make your gift so that we can properly credit it.
It is also important to note that a gift of stock is not considered complete until it arrives in our brokerage account, which can take up to 2-3 business days. Please be aware of this if you are making a year-end contribution for tax planning purposes.