
Filtering by: children
Pass it On! Share Your Faith, Shape their Future.
9:00 AM09:00

Pass it On! Share Your Faith, Shape their Future.

  • Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Parents & Grandparents play a unique and vital role in passing on faith to the next generation. Join us for this engaging workshop day where you'll discover practical ways to share your faith journey and ideas to create meaningful spiritual connections with your grandchildren - whether biological, friends and neighbors, or kiddos from church. From "Faith Webbing" to hands-on service projects, you'll gain the tools and confidence to make everyday moments count. Because you never retire from sharing God's love! Join fellow grandparents (and surrogate grandparents!) at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Loveland for this special opportunity to strengthen your family's faith legacy.

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Save the Date: MAD Camp
to Aug 1

Save the Date: MAD Camp

  • Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Returning this summer for rising 2nd-8th's MAD CAMP!


Learn a musical based on a Bible story, sing/act out the story for family & friends, help make the set - all in one week! Fun, friends, snacks, and learning all in one place. Mark your calendars now and plan to join us.


Online signups will start April 1 (no foolin'!).


Everyone is invited to the show on Friday, August 1 at 7 p.m.!

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Camp Sunday
9:45 AM09:45

Camp Sunday

  • Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Parents and kids are invited to join us on Sunday February 9 for a morning full of summer camp songs, crafts, and information about how to register and what to expect at camp. Come with any and all questions you have about camp to learn more from one of their very own counselors (and member at POP): Ella Girard! Two longtime Hopewood campers will join Ella to help lead songs and games foe the kids - thank you Lainey Ritter and Marlo Adams!

Click here for more information about camp and get registered today! 

 *Sparklers will have a special camp themed lesson for that day in their room (313) from 9:45-10:25.*

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Advent Soup Supper & Family Event
6:00 PM18:00

Advent Soup Supper & Family Event

  • Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Take an opportunity during a busy season to connect with your POP family as we learn more about the Advent season. Devotionals, crafts, and activities will be prepared for all ages. Just show up or bring something to share for a potluck soup supper. It’s also an easy way to invite neighbors and friends to experience the community outside of a Sunday morning service.  

Sign up here to bring help with set up, clean up or to bring a soup or side.

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Trunk or Treat
6:15 PM18:15

Trunk or Treat

  • Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Trunk or Treat on Thursday, October 24

Trunks arrive by 6 PM

Treaters arrive at 6:30 PM

Our annual tradition from the parking lot at Prince of Peace is back! Enjoy an evening of costumes and candy. Park your Halloween-decorated car, truck, or SUV at 6 PM to dispense candy to the kiddos starting at 6:30 PM. All ages from the neighborhood are welcome!

Sign up here.

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Christian Education Resumes
9:45 AM09:45

Christian Education Resumes

  • Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us as Christian Education for all ages resumes for the school year September 15th!

Each Sunday we invite our children to "Ignite their Faith" in Jesus. We use hands-on activities, bible stories, and games to help teach our kids about God's love and lessons. Our kindergartners through sixth graders will meet in room 136 and our 3-5 year old preschoolers will meet in Room 313 for the morning. Learn more at

7th-12th grade students will meet in the youth room to kick off the fall! We will do service projects, games, and activities to learn about God! 

Adults: Engage - Atrium

Covering a variety of topics that impact the daily lives, Engage is a casual class that meets on Sunday mornings in the Atrium.  Some classes are topical or Bible Studies. 

Nursery care is available for pre-Sparkler age kiddos during Sunday mornings.

For all of our Sunday morning Christian Education programs: come when you can! We'll miss you when you can't be there!

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Donut Days
11:30 AM11:30

Donut Days

  • Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Donut Days with Friends - A Spark Kickoff!

Sunday, August 25 after the 10:30 service

Meet on the playground


All families with kids 6th grade and under are invited to a great time of fun and fellowship - with donuts!! Join us to connect with friends old and new.

 This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about our Sunday morning Christian Education program called Spark for K-6th graders and Sparklers for preschoolers

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MAD Camp
to Aug 2

MAD Camp

  • Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Save the Dates!

MAD CAMP (Music, Art & Drama)

July 29-August 2

 Visit for more info.

Rising 2nd-8th graders, mark your calendars for July 29-August 2, when you can spend a week learning a musical (“Life of the Party: The Story of Mary & Martha”), refining your acting chops, and working on sets, 9 am-1 pm daily. More information and registration coming in April.

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Vacation Bible School
6:00 PM18:00

Vacation Bible School


Join us for a safe and exciting adventure at Prince of Peace!

DATE: Monday, June 17 - Thursday, June 20

TIME: 6:00 PM - 8:15 PM

AGES: Pre-school (4-year-olds)- 6th Grade

Preview Night: Pre-school (3-year-olds): Wednesday, June 19- 6:00-7:30 PM

More information will be posted and registration available on

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Advent Breakfast
9:30 AM09:30

Advent Breakfast

  • Prince of Peace Lutheran Church - Gathering Space (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Take some time to connect with others while enjoying a warm breakfast, coffee, and Advent crafts. On Sunday, December 3rd at 9:30 AM, join others in the Gathering Space to make an ornament, create an Advent wreath (or update a current wreath), fill your belly with delicious food, and grab extra Advent Candles and a new devotional to enhance your Advent season at home. Please email Ginger Tomes with any questions.

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5:15 PM17:15

Acolyte Training

  • Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

October 18

5:15 pm before POP456


If your child is in 3rd - 8th grade, they can learn how to contribute to our church services as an acolyte! Attend this session to learn the importance of acolytes and what they will be expected to do during each service.


Email Ginger Tomes to sign up. If you cannot make it at this time, just email Ginger to arrange a separate meeting time.

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Breaking Bread with Preschool Families
2:30 PM14:30

Breaking Bread with Preschool Families

  • Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breaking Bread with Preschool Families

Sunday, October 8, 2:30-3:30 PM

Outside POP (PLC if bad weather) 


Families with preschoolers are invited to an outdoor worship specifically for their age group at POP! If able, families can bring their favorite bread or jam to share with the group. We look forward to an afternoon about Jesus, community, and fun! 

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Second Grade Bible Distribution
to Sep 17

Second Grade Bible Distribution

  • Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Services the Weekend of September 16-17

 At each service during the weekend of September 16-17, we will ask 2nd grade POP membesr to come forward for a short blessing and to receive their own Bible. No sign up necessary. Please email Ginger Tomes with any questions.

 **If you cannot attend services this weekend, you can still receive your Bible! Just email Ginger to make arrangements for pick-up.

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Block Party!
6:00 PM18:00

Block Party!

  • Prince of Peace Lutheran Chuch (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The time is almost here to come together and welcome our community for a night of fun and connecting. Invite your neighbors and friends, bring a chair and a beverage (water bottles will be available for all!), and come on out!

Food Trucks:

  • Best Thing Smokin' BBQ

  • Just Jerks: Ena's Jamaican Grill

  • Red Sesame

  • Loveland Dairy Whip (cash only).

Entertainment: Come enjoy the music of the Bacchanal Steel Drum Band and Star 93.3, and yard games

Can you help? We need yard games, help setting up and tearing down, help working the welcome table, and more! Click this link to sign up.

For more information visit:

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MAD Camp - Music Arts Drama Camp
to Aug 4

MAD Camp - Music Arts Drama Camp

M.A.D. CAMP Music – Arts - Drama for Grades 2-8 

July 31-August 4

9 AM -1 PM

Are you looking for something this summer for your music-loving children that’s fun, musical, and has both humor and a spiritual message? Consider M.A.D. Camp! Your 2nd through 8th graders will experience music, art, and drama classes every day as we all work on a fun musical to be presented Friday evening, August 4. The camp fee is $50.00 per student, but scholarships are available upon need, as well as a $75.00 per family policy for those with two or more campers. Click here to learn more.

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Young Families Bonfire
5:00 PM17:00

Young Families Bonfire

It’s time to connect! Parents and families with young kids are invited to an evening full of s’mores, devotions, and laughter as we kick off our summer season. Come for as little or as much time as you can and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere as we take some time to ’fill our cups’ as parents and caregivers. Childcare will be provided to allow time for some adult conversation and ensure kiddos have a great and safe time to play and connect. 

Sing up here to help us plan!

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Serve at Tikkun Farm
9:00 AM09:00

Serve at Tikkun Farm

Serve Together at Tikkun Farm

Saturday, April 1 at 9 AM

Spend a morning at the farm as we help with springtime garden and construction projects at Tikkun. There are tasks for all ages and abilities – you can even pet the alpacas! Together we can be a hopeful, helpful part of Tikkun’s mission after their devastating fire on Christmas Eve.

Sign up here.

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POPKids School Registration
3:00 PM15:00

POPKids School Registration

POP Kids School Open Registration for 2023-2024

January is the month for POP Kids School registration for the 2023-2024 school year. If you, a neighbor, or a family member have children aged 2-1/2 to 5, come take a look at POP Kids School. We provide the perfect environment for a child to love school, get ready for kindergarten, and know that they are a child of God. Call or email the school to set up a tour. Additional information and pictures are also available on the website. Registration ends on January 19 at 3 PM.


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Christian Education for All!
9:45 AM09:45

Christian Education for All!

  • Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Grow in faith with us this year!

Christian Education opportunities for all ages!

Classes resume Sunday, January 8 at 9:45 AM.

Spark & Sparklers: Our Preschoolers (Sparklers) and Elementary school aged kids that are in Kindergarten through 6th grade (Spark) meet weekly to ignite their faith in fun and unique ways.

Middle School and POPLuthYouth: Come for a donut, stay for the connection with God and one another.

Adults: Engage is a weekly class taught by leaders from the congregation that connects our daily lives with faith. These classes are topical, equipping, and open to all.

Parents of kids and youth: Please use this form to share your child's important information with us. This form will be used by ministry leaders for all kids and youth activities.

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LIFE Holiday Food Bags
11:30 AM11:30

LIFE Holiday Food Bags

You’re invited to shop for a local family’s holiday meal so that all may have hope this Christmas. Distributed through LIFE food pantry, holiday meal bags will help support 100 families in need in Loveland. Pick up a donation bag and shopping list in the Gathering Space. Then, drop off filled bags to the coat alcove by December 18. Volunteers are also invited to come together to transport bags or pick up pre-paid perishables at Kroger or ALDI on 12/18 or 12/21.

Sign up to help deliver and pick up refrigerated items.

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No-prep Christmas Pageant
9:45 AM09:45

No-prep Christmas Pageant

  • Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come one, come all to the interactive story telling pageant that will be performed by…EVERYONE! No preparation is necessary (costumes will be provided at the pageant), just come as you are and pick out your favorite player in the story of Jesus’ birth, find a provided costume that you’d like wear, and enter the Sanctuary. Our guest narrator will help tell the story as we participate in the visual representation of the story, sing songs, and celebrate the season together.

Contact Ginger Tomes with questions.

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