This season, Prince of Peace is participating in the Advent Conspiracy which was founded on the radical idea that we can celebrate Christmas humbly, beautifully, and generously.

Each year many of us routinely miss the wonder of God’s miraculous birth. Our overstuffed Decembers leave us wanting more. Our hyperconsumption leaves us empty. We worship less. We spend more. We give less. We struggle more.

This can’t be right. Missing the prophetic mystery of Jesus’ birth means missing God-with-us, God beside us, God becoming one of us.


Join The Advent Conspiracy In Three Steps

Come to church each week and worship more during this season of hope. Our hearts are formed by what we worship. Worship is a time when words reach into our hearts, igniting our hopes for today and the future when He will come again.

Replace presents with God’s presence as we pray and praise God together.

With the weekly resources you can find below, you and your family can take a few moments to pray and reflect on how this Christmas season can be different for you and those you touch. You can bring the spirit of Christmas back into your lives each day, even as you push yourselves through the rush and stress of preparation.

If only for a few moments, sit together, breathe, close your eyes and rest in knowing what Jesus brought to the world through God’s grace, forgiveness, and love for all. Decide how you want to live this season. What can you give to others? What can we give up that will reduce the angst we experience as Christmas approaches?